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AMETEK 40v DC Motor - For a Wind Generator
The AMETEK 40vdc motor is definitely a great motor for a wind generator, but it's just an example. This motor is extremely popular for people who want to build a wind generator, but it's not the only motor you can use. There are equally if not better motors that are readily available and don't cost near as much. The popularity of the AMETEK 40vdc motor has driven up its price. Here's what to look for in a motor, so you can efficiently build a wind generator.
A Motor Is a Generator and a Generator Is a Motor
A motor uses electricity to create rotational energy, while a generator uses rotational energy to make electricity. You can physically spin a motor and it will create electricity. This means that any appliance or household equipment that uses electricity to create rotational movement has the potential to become a generator. When you spin a motor and it will create electricity it's then called a generator. A motor is a generator and a generator is a motor, the only difference is their application.
Why Use 3pole Motors Instead of 2pole Motors
When you turn a motor into a generator with your wind power, you're essentially converting a motor into a generator. A motor works by flipping magnetic fields to produce rotation. When you use a 2 pole motor for this, there is a moment when the electromagnet is at a balance point within the magnetic field, this causes the positive and negative on your batteries to temporarily short. This temporary short leads to electrical loss. A 3 pole motor doesn't have this balance point and eliminates the short. This leads to a 3 pole motor being more efficient and a wiser choice for a wind generator.
There are many factors to choosing efficient motors for windmills. When you use a good guide to building a wind generator, they will explain in detail why and what to look for. There are literally thousands of brands of motors that make excellent wind generators, and the best part is that most of them are overlooked, simply because people don't know how to determine a good motor to use. I can count at least 20 within my own house that have excellent potential. Potential is abundant when you know what to look for.
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